
Hi we at Letsplayvideogames will only do videos on this channel...if you want other videos by us go to yourrandomvideos. Please send your videos to us. Send them to burritogamerdailymotion@hotmail.com or legomaster3778dailymotion@hotmail.com.
We also have a website go check it out!

LPVG Team:
Food-101, Burritogamer, Legomaster3778, Videogame_Lord, Bwaba, Warewolf45, Robojam

Q and A's:
Q: Burritogamer, What console do you play the most?
A: My Favorite Console is the Playstation 3

Q: Legomaster3778, Do you have any other Console other than PC?
A: Yes I do I got a Wii and will soon be getting a Playstation 3.

Q: Who is Robojam?
A: Robojam is Legomaster's Brother.

Q: When will we see Black ops?
A: Soon enough!