Caroline Andersen

So yeah. Many of my friends just calls me Cherry, like some kind of twisted nickname.. But anyways, i love many wierd things like my two P228 Sig sauers (I can barely live without them) and i love to draw crazy manga stuffs (Like a drawing of Alucard, maby.. Wacking some poor *thing* in a sadstical way.) And yes i can say that I'm a little sadistical myself. many sets question on my sanety.. Don't know why.. Well other things about me? Yeah im a natural redhead (No that does not make me a seras victoria!) And i have had a crush on vampires since i was 10 (Yej go Vlad tepes AKA Count dracula.) so yeah.. anything more your wondering about, just ask, i wont bite (not hard at least.. Okay maby untill you bleed just a little..OKAY I promise not to chew of your arm! Happy now?)