Young Musician Triumphs Over Physical Condition

  • 11 years ago
Landon Weeks was born with shortened arms and only two fingers. However, that didn’t stop him from pursuing his musical desires or much of anything else.

Landon Weeks was born with shortened arms and only two fingers on each hand, but it didn’t stop him from pursuing his musical desires, or much of anything else.

At the age of 11, he developed the desire to play the piano the way his brothers did.

With the help of a former concert pianist who could only play with two fingers due to an accident, Landon was able to develop what he describes as his “potential talent”.

His vocals are pretty good, too. Of belting out songs in churches and a musical he said, “I love to perform, and I am grateful to find many who enjoy listening to my music.”

Meeting challenges and excelling at the task at hand is just how he operates, though. For example, not only did he become an Eagle Scout, he earned every merit badge the Boy Scouts of America had to offer.

That accomplishment alone is a lot, as there are over 120 of them and they require mental, physical, and creative prowess.

Specifics ones are climbing, horsemanship, Indian lore, and woodworking.

Landon also notes he’s an excellent driver.
