Man Received Traffic Tickets After Having Heart Attack

  • 11 years ago
Dan Langley had a heart attack while driving in Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey. Eight days after the traumatic incident, three traffic tickets arrived in Langley’s mailbox.

On April 1st of this year, Dan Langley had a heart attack while driving in Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey.

He was originally headed to a friend's house right around rush hour. His vehicle struck another car stopped at a traffic light.

According to reports, Langley got out of his vehicle, walked towards the hood and vomited right before collapsing to the ground. Emergency crews were quickly dispatched to the scene.

A police sergeant began doing CPR and even went in the hospital-bound ambulance with Langley. Doctors quickly cooled Langley’s body to prevent brain damage from the heart attack.

Thankfully they were successful. However 8 days after the traumatic incident, three traffic tickets arrived in Langley’s mailbox.

He went to Municipal Court to fight the citations which included tailgating, reckless driving and the unsafe operation of a motor vehicle. Langley even brought a doctor’s note, which explained the minor accident was due to an unforeseen heart attack.

Two tickets were dismissed, but shockingly, the reckless driving charge was only downgraded to obstructing the passage of other vehicles. Seemingly defeated, Langley has paid the ticket’s $133 fine
