Have We Turned Away from God: Vassula Ryden, Author of Heaven is Real, But So Is Hell, Interviewed on Malcom Out Loud TV Show About Book, Faith & Life

  • 11 years ago
Have We Turned Away From God?: Vassula Ryden, author of Heaven is Real, But So Is Hell: An Eyewitness Account of What is to Come, on the Malcolm Out Loud TV Show during a segment when she if "we have turned away from God." This obviously is a wide-ranging topic because term we is so broad, but Vassula answers with her own experience at having never been a religious person before she was plucked from obscurity to deliver messages, visions and prophecy from the Lord Himself. Her tales of the purification of fire, an immaterial fire, to cleanse her soul bring one into her Soul and she tells Malcolm that after "that God spoke to me, and I heard his voice very clearly." That happened in 1985 and now Vassula Ryden is known the world over for delivering God's messages through her True Life in God Ministries, pouring the money from these endeavors to houses for the poor and delivering Spiritual Phenomena when least expected.

Her book, Heaven is Real, But So Is Hell: An Eyewitness Account of What is to Come, was released throughout the United States in March 2013 and Vassula had a nationwide book tours with media appearances and book signings at Barnes & Noble in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Tampa, Atlanta and ended in Los Angeles and Northern California. The response was strong as she also did radio and TV shows throughout the country. The syndicated James Lowe radio show was cut into 10 question segments by UniGlobal Media Group to provide an overview of Vassula's book, her mission from God, the nature of the messages she has been receiving for over 25 years, why Church Unity is so important to our future, how the messages Vassula gets are transmitted, how it all got started and why she was chosen by God for this task.


Vassula Ryden, author of "Heaven is Real, But So is Hell," established the Foundation for True Life in God in 2008 to support her worldwide ministry. The direction for the name came from God in 1987. He told Vassula, "I have chosen you as a blank canvas to fill it up only with My Work, which I will name: 'True Life in God.'"

Centered on the divine messages provided from God to Ryden, True Life in God seeks to share an urgent call to make peace with God and amend our lives through repentance, reconciliation, love and unity.

The Foundation, based in Geneva, Switzerland, assists with administrative tasks that would otherwise pull Ryden away from her speeches and travels. Supported by benefactors around the world, the Foundation is run by a team of volunteers who work for no salary.

Likewise, Ryden receives no payment for her speeches, books or other materials. In fact, the only people associated with the Foundation who are paid perform outsourced jobs, such as accounting.

"Acts of Love" form an important part of the the True Life in God messages. In 1998, Ryden was asked by the Virgin Mary to found the first Beth Miriam (or Mary's House) to help the poor in the Holy Land. Now, there are about 25 Beth Miriams in big cities throughout Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America, where the poor can find food, shelter and the love of Christ.

In other "Acts of Love" projects, volunteer followers of True Life in God messages work with two schools and an orphanage in Bangladesh, where the ministry of True Life in God started.

Hundreds of people have attended the pilgrimages, including 800 individuals from 60 countries and 15 denominations who joined Ryden for a trip to Rome in 2011. For more information visit, www.tlig.org or www.HeavenIsRealBook.com
