Bullshit Creepypasta Storytime: Super Fun Pokemon Tips!
  • 11 years ago
Today on Bullshit Creepypasta Storytime, I tell you about Super Fun Pokemon Tips! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 As Yuriofwind continues his journey to work on videos, he worked on another video, this one. And I think we can all learn something important from today's video, and that's that there is no quality control on the creepypasta wiki, at all. Enjoy the video!

Uh, Story?: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Fun_Pokemon_Tips

If you liked the video and want to see more, feel free to like, comment, and subscribe :D. ALSO I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO! I made it o_o. WITH THESE HANDS!

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