Robinsons ‘Bird House’ Commercial Shows The Elaborate Insides Of A Bird House

  • il y a 11 ans
This adorable commercial for Robinsons ‘Be Natural’ juice appears to show what the inside of a birdhouse looks like, and is simply enthralling.

The bird home looks just like a human house with a few birdie twists, such as bird TV and even a cuckoo clock with a man saying ‘hello’ at the top of the hour instead of a bird.

Lilian Darmono explains in a Q&A that the dazzling effects were done with very little CGI.

“Pretty much everything you see on screen was done for real, in-camera. It was hard work, but I think this made it more controllable, and more fun.”

So how did they get the real bird to ‘act’ in the commercial.

“The key to the trick was birdseed.”