'CD Duck' Gaining Popularity in Essex, UK

  • 10 years ago
One duck in particular has captured the attention of the Essex RSPCA. The organization is currently keeping tabs on the mallard because it has a CD stuck on his neck.

While geese and ducks can be routinely seen in neighborhoods everywhere, one particular duck has captured the attention of the Essex RSPCA. The organization is currently keeping tabs on the mallard because it has a CD stuck on his neck.

More precisely the shiny compact disc appears to be resting underneath the duck’s feathers. The mallard is commonly seen at a pond located in Great Notley, United Kingdom.

Residents in the area have given the creature a nickname, although not the most original one, calling him CD duck. While some believe he is in danger, others point out he appears to be just fine.

One local woman, who has witnessed the duck stated “We feel quite protective about him. He doesn't look uncomfortable, he's just got a ridge.” It’s believed the mallard may have stuck its head through the middle circular opening in the CD when he was just a duckling, while searching for food.

The RSPCA is still tracking the duck and even made efforts to catch him but thus far they have been unsuccessful. Unfortunately CD duck is on the lower list of priorities for the organization as there are many other animals out there in need, requiring urgent care.
