US welcomes new Iraqi government

  • 10 years ago
The new Iraqi government has wasted no time in getting down to work following the appointment of new Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

Parliament has approved all of his ministerial choices bar the key defence and interior ministries, for which al-Abadi has requested another week.

Former PM and Shi’ite Muslim Nouri al-Maliki becomes one of two ceremonial vice-Presidents, but al-Abadi has chosen a Kurd and a secular Sunni Muslim as his deputies.

“Overcoming the obstacle of ethnic and sectarian divides, the Iraqi parliament approved a new and inclusive government, one that has the potential to unite all of Iraq’s diverse communities, for a strong Iraq, a united Iraq and to give those communities the chance to build the future that all Iraqis desire and deserve,” said US Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Americans will be hoping this new deal in Baghdad is more effective at knitting together the country.

They will also be hoping it can mobilise the army to help the Kurdish Peshmurga forces do more than just hold off the IS militants, and go onto the offensive to recapture the north and west of the country.
