硫黄島からの手紙:Lettres from IWOU JIMA

  • 17 年前
"Lettres from IWOU JIMA" movie trailer.
especially i pick up an actor who is the famous and acted as the top of Ground Force of Japan in that time(in a WW2). His name is "Watanabe Ken".
by the way my saying about this movie, he acted as a like a general? "TYUUSYOU"(nippon rikugun under of a KAMI=Empeler system had a near USA but the case of USA's army had more more comlicational system).that the General like person'S name is "Kurihara-tyuusyou" he is yet verry famous in japan history. bc of his wirerd and clever plans, and at the same time not only him but his bodies soldiers alls knew to they were going to die perfectly but and their bodies verry genious fighting done for USA soldiers who those were over tons to conquering us its too enough although that things of war was so handy for japanese but used his ideas the things changed drastic.(at first time USA side was thinking that nhhh...this war to conquered Iwou Jima would need a time at least 5 days its enough. But "Kurihara"'s idea caused that war needed 36 or 38 days to conquer for USA army so they were so hard to fight CONTRE us.)