The Turkish army is the most affectionate and compassionate army in the world

  • 10 yıl önce
- Soldiers and their commanders serving on the Syrian border exchanged religious festival greetings. They sacrificed an animal together and all prayed with one voice: "O Lord, preserve the Turkish Army from all afflictions and accept this sacrifice of ours.” Following the prayer, they all ate the festival meal together.

Adnan Oktar: They are heroes.

- There were photographs, too.

Adnan Oktar: Our brave troops are very heroic. Masha’Allah, Turkish troops are very blessed people. They spread prosperity wherever they go. Ours is the most upright, compassionate and affectionate army in the world. It is very considerate. It is very careful that ‘No harm should befall anyone.' Those dear people. Tens of thousands of our troops have been martyred because of that way of thinking. They all say, let harm befall us, rather than our nation. 
