Kareena Kapoor Khan Wants Saif Ali Khan To Learn From 'Ki & Ka'

  • 8 years ago
Kareena Kapoor Khan will be next seen opposite Arjun Kapoor for the very first time in R. Balki's Ki And Ka, which mocks gender stereotypes and Kareena is quite eager to show the film to her husband Saif Ali Khan. Bebo, as she is fondly known, recently said that she wants Saif to watch the film as he is quite impressed with the concept and also because she feels that her loving husband could learn a thing or two from Arjun Kapoor's character in the film. Kareena had said in an earlier interview that Saif cannot cook at all and we wonder if the Begum wants her Nawab to learn cooking for her. Ki & Ka is slated to release this weekend.
