PS1 to Xbox 360 Controller Emulation using ScpVBus driver (Windows)
  • 8 years ago
This video shows a DualShock 1 controller being used to play a Windows game that only supports XInput controllers. ScpVBus is being used to create a virtual Xbox 360 controller that can be used to convert events from a DirectInput controller into corresponding events for an XInput controller.

Unlike other examples that use the available C# libraries, the client program being used to interact with ScpVBus was written in C++. The code is mainly ported from some classes contained in the ScpControl package (BusDevice and ScpDevice mainly).

The PS1 controller has some really stiff analog sticks which make aiming a bit too difficult; they also seem to max out quickly. I wouldn't want to use this kind of configuration on a regular basis but this was an interesting test.