Potential Energy - Slightly-Mad Science

  • 16 years ago
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This Demo is Dangerously-Stupid. Don't try this at home. From http://www.slightlymadscience.com. Potential Energy: PE=mgh. The energy stored by moving a mass to a height above the surface of the earth, which turns into Kinetic Energy when dropped due to the force of Gravity. That's all well and good, but can you BREAK STUFF with it? SURE! At Slightly-Mad Science, we love breaking stuff! Music for this episode courtesy of Hatecore Inc's "Wish You Were Dead." You can find more of their metal at: http://www.hatecoreinc.com http://www.myspace.com/hatecoreinc Special Thanks go to Andrew and Brandon of Morbid Caffeine Junkies for their help in producing this video. http://www.myspace.com/morbidcaffeinejunkies More websites for Potential Energy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potential_energy http://id.mind.net/~zona/mstm/physics/mechanics/energy/gravitationalPotentialEnergy/gravitationalPotentialEnergy.html http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/GBSSCI/PHYS/CLASS/energy/u5l1b.html http://jersey.uoregon.edu/vlab/PotentialEnergy/
