Super Mario 64 Maker Release & Download

  • 7 years ago
Create your own Mario levels using only your controller!
If you feel like sharing your levels or talking about the editor/have questions, you can join the community discord:

or use this google form:
Since there is no online mode on N64, submit your levels here!
To view all submissions, go here:
Note: to share a level, you simply press "save state" in project 64, then upload it somewhere.

Download here:

Rom doesn't work properly? watch this tutorial:

It's easiest to just intuitively feel the controls, every button does something, but if you want special instructions or have issues doing something, you can read this:

Z/R rotate the camera
L+Z/R to zoom camera

A to select an object
Cstick left/right to scroll through objects
Cstick up/down to scroll through objects faster

dpad L/R to switch theme
dpad U/R to switch music

Start to play level

--- after selecting an object with A ---
stick moves the object

A/B move object up/down
L+B to drop to ground
L+A to slightly move the object up
Cstick L/R scrolls through objects
Cstick U/D scrolls throug object types

L+Cstick L/R determines object properties

Dpad U/D scales object Y axis
press L+dpad U/D to scale object X+Z axis

Dpad L/R to rotate the object on Y axis
press L+Dpad L/R to rotate the object on the X axis

Start to go back to menu 1

V1.1: added an option to hold L while pressing A to slightly move the object. reduced lag from solid objects significantly.
V1.1b: bully star now spawns properly.. reversed the lag reduction from before for technical reasons.
