Battlezone: PlayStation VR Gameplay - Best VR Game?

  • il y a 7 ans
Battlezones back! This time its on VR, which seems fitting, considering it was one of the first 3D games to wow arcade dwellers back in 1980. Returning in 2016 with a Tron aesthetic and big boots to fill, Dave loved it and told Jim why.\r
During his visit to Rebellion, Dave also saw the upcoming Sniper Elite 4, the latest entry in thewhich did for shooting nazis in the willy what Battlezone did for 3D graphics. Check out our preview here: \r
VR experiences thus far have been mostly bite-sized, proof-of-concept affairs which have left varying impressions on Team VG. For example, Jim loved EVE Valkyrie back when he played an early version at E3 new, which Simon and Tom revisited a year later here: \r
But other VR experiences are not so enjoyable. Capcoms Kitchen demo for PlayStation VR, for example, scared the shit out of us last year, and led to some unforeseen consequences for Simon Miller Report Miller and his ever faithful cameraman Jim: \r
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