GODS WARNING THROUGH CERN !!! just one word, and world leaders are panicking

  • 7 лет назад
That word was given in Hebrew, and all the elite shadow government Jews, are in a mad panic declaring to bring all their resources together to fight against G-Ds coming judgement upon them.\r
THE ONE WORD G-D USED WAS ( TEKEL ) IT MEANS THIS “you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient”. And to the “Message of God” delivered to the Bilderberg Group barely a fortnight ago by CERN Director General Fabiola Gianotti that caused such terror among these Western elite master rulers, this report concludes, was an image produced by the Large Hadron Collider-LHC that formed a single word in the ancient Hebrew language תקל—thats pronounced as “TEKEL” and, basically, means, “you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient”.\r
