Zimbabwe's Former Prime Minister Calls For Mugabe's Removal

  • 7 years ago

Movement for Democratic Change President and former Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, arrived in the capital on Thursday, November 16, during talks between the military and the Robert Mugabe regime over a timetable for his resignation.In a press conference in Harare, Tsvangirai laid out his party’s position on a Zimbabwean transitional government, urging transparency in the political reform process. He said, “The party leadership restated the party’s values, especially its commitment to democracy and the need for a legitimate government that can immediately begin to transact the business of the nation,” he said. Tsvangirai’s party agreed to the importance of carrying out the following:“1.That in the interest of the people, Mr. Robert Mugabe must resign and step down immediately in line with the national expectation and sentiment, taking full regard of his legacy and contribution to Zimbabwe pre and post-independence.
2.That there be a negotiated, all-inclusive transitional mechanism.
3.That the purpose, essence, nature and character of that mechanism be agreed upon by all national stakeholders,
4.That there be comprehensive reforms for a free, fair and credible election to be held upon the full implementation of all reforms,
5.That there be an agreed post-election framework to guarantee stability, peace and national prosperity,
6.That SADC, the African Union, the UN and the broader international community be the underwriters and guarantors to the roadmap to free and fair elections.”The full statement can be seen here. Credit: Facebook/zimbabwemdc via Storyful
