Starbound Multiplayer Gameplay | EP 1 | Something About a Giraffe | Pleased Giraffe

  • 6 years ago
Stalkers and pervs and colonists, oh my! These weird traits can only make thispreeetty crazy. Join the SAG crew as we play around in Starbounds most recent patch: Pleased Giraffe.\r
Pleased Giraffe added a few fun, new features to Upbeat Giraffe. Keeping with Upbeat Giraffes roleplaying nature, Pleased Giraffe added the ability to create colonies thriving with NPCs, who now inter with each other, mini dungeon-puzzle type rooms, updates to the inventory system, farming changes, an addition to the outpost, along with a few other things. \r
Thank you so much to everyone who gave us suggestions!\r
Playlist for this : \r
End Slate Music: \r
Angevin Kevin MacLeod ( \r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\r