Ultralight Sleeping Bags & Pads - CleverHiker.com

  • hace 6 años
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This video is all about the pros and cons of various ultralight sleeping bag and pad options. This video is part of a 10 that is focused on lightweight backpacking equipment and techniques. The other videos in thiscan be found on YouTube or at CleverHiker.com. \r
Video Summary & Highlights:\r
- Your sleeping bag, pad, and pillow are critical to enjoying backcountry trips and staying safe.\r
- These can also be very heavy pieces of equipment, so keeping weight down is critical.\r
- Many backpackers take unnecessarily warm/heavy sleeping bags/pads on spring/summer/fall trips.\r
Key Sleeping Bag Info: \r
- Degree rating - warmth. For most 3 season trips a 25-30 degree bag will be quite warm. You can also wear extra clothing to increase warmth. \r
- Insulation - Down vs Synthetic. Down is lighter and compresses more. Synthetic costs less. I prefer down over synthetic. \r
- Size - Length and width - Lightweight bags can feel snug to some, so test the fit of your bag. Lightweight quilts are a good way to keep warm with less restriction. \r
Key Sleeping Pad Info:\r
- Your pad is important for comfort, but also for warmth. It insulates you from the cold ground. \r
- Check the R Value of your pad to find its warmth rating. \r
- Air-filled pads and foam pads are the two main types. \r
- Air pads are more comfortable, but they cost more and can puncture in the field. Foam pads are less expensive and can be multi-purpose (trail seat, backpack frame, etc.). I prefer air-filled pads for the comfort and I cary a small repair kit just in case.\r
- Pad length is another important consideration. You can go full length for extra comfort on your feet, or save weight by choosing a torso length pad. Ultralight backpackers and thru-hikers often save weight with torso-sized pads. \r
Key Pillow Info:\r
- Pillow is important for comfort.\r
- The lightweight way is to put extra clothing in a stuff sack. No extra weight and is still comfortable.\r
- Some blow-up pillow options available as well, but I havent found any that I love. So I prefer going with the stuff sack route.