WoW Hunter Leveling Guide

  • 16 years ago
http://www.WoWProGuides.Com alliance,build,damage,fishing,guide,guides,horde,leveling,macro,macros,paladin,priest, rogue,skill,skills,speed,wow,world,of,warcraft,guide,gold,horde,making,valkors, valkor's,wowmine,wow,mine,burning,crusade,level,60,walkthrough,powerleveling, power,wow,secrets,server,strategy,tips,worldofwarcaft,warcaft Hunter Damage class. A combination of a marksman/archer. This is the animal specialist, Ranged damage is what a hunter is specialist at using bows, crossbows, or guns with an animal pet as help. The hunter also employs a series of traps for damaging or disabling enemies with added abilities to track