10 Things Well LIVE TO SEE In The FUTURE

  • 6 years ago
Welcome to Top10Archive! Every year we live, it seems like we experience something new and unbelievable. We can only imagine what the latter prat of our existence will witness, but these 10 discoveries and events are likely to be among the Top 10 mind boggling things we will live to see. \r
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10. The Sinking of Bangkok\r
9. More Affordable Space Travel\r
8. Telepathic Communications\r
7. Stem Cell Pharmacies\r
6. Aging Healthier\r
5. Cyber, Augmented, and Advanced Automated Warfare\r
4. Mass Produced Flying Cars\r
3. Teleportation of Complex Molecules\r
2. Merging Man and Machine\r
1. Planetary Colonization \r
Music by Kevin Macleod\r
Voice Over Talent:\r
