Tim Minion Coloring Drawing - Despicable Me Painting Coloring Pages

  • 6 年前
BigBAMGamer presents new video of painting Tim Minion! This is a charer from cartoon Despicable Me! Lets paint!\r
Despicable Me is a new American 3D computer-animated comedy film from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment that was released on July 9, new in the United States. It is Illumination Entertainments first film. The film was animated by the French animation studio Mac Guff, which was later acquired by Illumination Entertainment. It was directed by Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud, with story by Sergio Pablos. The film stars the voice of Steve Carell as Felonious Gru, a supervillain who adopts three girls (voiced by Miranda Cosgrove, Dana Gaier, and Elsie Fisher) from an orphanage; and the voice of Jason Segel as Vector, a rival of Gru who steals the Great Pyramid of Giza. When Gru learns of Vectors heist, he plans an even greater heist: to shrink and steal the Earths moon.\r
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BigBAMGamer présente une nouvelle vidéo de la peinture Tim Minion! Ceci est un personnage de bande dessinée Despicable Me! Nous allons peindre!\r
BigBAMGamer presenta nuevo video de la pintura Tim Minion! Se trata de un personaje de dibujos animados Despicable Me! Vamos a pintar!\r
BigBAMGamer apresenta novo vídeo de pintura Tim Minion! Este é um personagem de desenho animado Despicable Me! Vamos pintar!\r
