加勒比風味燒魚 - 倫敦 Caribbean Grilled Fish - London

  • 6 лет назад
Grilling fish is a good alternative to our usual steaming because its more flavourful and just as juicy. In this video Ill also be answering a couple of your questions.\r
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紅綢1條/Red Snapper\r
蔥粒/Spring Onion\r
紅洋蔥1/4個/A quarter of Red Onion\r
番茄1/4個/A quarter of Tomato\r
麝香草少許/Sprig of Thyme\r
月桂葉1塊/Bay Leaf\r
橙數片/Few slices of Orange\r
檸檬數片/Few slices of Lemon\r
多香粉1茶匙/tsp of allspice\r
甜椒粉1茶匙/tsp of paprika\r
鹽2茶匙/tsp of salt\r
黑胡椒粉1茶匙/tsp of black pepper\r
橄欖油適量/glug of olive oil\r
粗鹽適量/sprinkle of rock salt\r
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