Design Innovation Forum highlights role of design in innovation

  • 6 years ago
산업부, 2018 디자인혁신포럼 개최... "디자인이 혁신수단"

The Korean government held an annual forum with industry experts... focusing on how good product design can help businesses grow.
Hosted by the trade ministry and the Korea Institute of Design Promotion, it brought together the leaders of small and medium-sized businesses... to discuss how their attention to unique and consumer-friendly design helped boost sales and strengthened brand identity.
One firm explained how its success came from designing lightbulbs as decorative pieces instead of looking at them as mere appliances.
An air purifier maker displayed its designs that go well with home furnishings and appeal to a wider audience.
The ministry recognized thirty firms for their exceptional R&D in design,... and promised them governmental support in future projects.
