Nep MUGEN: Night Raid

  • 5 years ago
Nayuki's second WIP showcase match video, testing more AI patches as requested by the patcher himself (albeit a few months late lol). Also, the third match is a refreshing video appearance return of a certain character I regularly play.


1. Nayuki Minase (Nep Heart) vs Lilith (DivineWolf) and Morrigan Aensland (DivineWolf) all equipped with Vorse_Raider's AI patch.
2. Mami Tomoe (otz-kai) vs Lilith (DivineWolf) and Morrigan Aensland (DivineWolf) all equipped with Vorse_Raidier's AI patch.

Stage: Rooftop by Eternaga
BGM: Hey Rita from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie for the SEGA Genesis