Amazon's Kindle Wireless Reading Device On

  • 15 years ago
Hey everyone, I'm Marc Gittleman for TekiTV.Com, where we've been taking the latest gadgets for a spin to tell you if they're worth owning. Almost all forms of media have gone digital, so why not books? Amazon's new Kindle Wireless Reading Device makes the idea of reading digital books go from strange to sexy. The sharp, high contrast display screen creates an electronic paper effect that will make your eyes believe you are reading real paper. The kindle is simple to use, and you can connect to the Kindle Store from wherever you are to download the latest digital page turner. Over 125,000 books are already available for download, most for under 10 dollars, cheaper than in the bookstore. The Kindle also offers free chapter samples from books so you can decide if they're actually worth downloading, and your favorite newspapers and magazines can be autodelivered to you wirelessly. The light and thin Kindle can hold over 200 books at a time, and has very decent battery life... you will only have to recharge the device every other day, and if you turn off wireless, you can read for more than a week without plugging it in. You don't need to find a WiFi hotspot to connect to the KindleStore, because the device uses a high speed data network similar to the best cell phones on the market... and there is no monthly payment or service charge for your wireless connection. The Kindle isn't cheap at a retail price of 359 dollars, but with the ability to take a library of 200 books with you wherever you go, it's probably worth the investment to be on the ground floor of the digital book revolution. I'm Marc Gittleman for TekieTV.Com. Stay here for more gadget reviews, tech news, and info on how to stay ahead in the digital world. Distributed by Tubemogul.
