Should I do Social Media Marketing Agency or Affiliate Marketing?

  • 5 years ago
Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is?

Hey, today I want to answer the question should someone start a social media marketing agency or do affiliate marketing?

First, what the heck is a social media marketing agency right? It's when business's pay you money to market their business online.

Cleary there is a lot of money in it because this is the business Gary Vee is in and he is trying to buy the New York Jets Football team.

The big problem I see with starting a social media marketing agency or SMMA for short is if companies are going to pay you money to advertise you should have a track record right?

This is what they are paying for right? Gary Vee did not start by opening up his agency. He started with growing his dads wine shop. This is ecommerce?

He grew his YouTube channel, he experimented with email marketing and paid advertisements to sale wine online.

Once he experienced success selling wine he then opened up his social media marketing agency. He then leveraged the success he had with wine and he put that on his resume to help him get clients for his business.

Now he uses his social media influence to help his media company. All you have to do is switch out wine with affiliate marketing. Heck you could become an affiliate marketer with a wine.

Trying to start a social media marketing agency without experience is like trying to run before you learned to walk.

It's similar to Warren Buffet. Warren Buffet first make money in the stock market. Then he used that success to open up an agency to get clients and use the formula that made him money first to make other people money.

Heck, Grant Cardone is doing the same thing with Real Estate and his success with sales. He made money in apartment complexes and then he opened up an agency where he makes other investors money in real estate. First he had to make himself money.

Affiliate marketing is crawling and probably one of the easiest way to make money online. If you know of an easier way to make good money online I want to know. Please leave a comment.

As long as it's legit not scamming people.

I recommend starting with affiliate marketing. What is so cool about affiliate marketing is you don't even need a website.

Heck there is even a way to do with piggybacking on the success of other marketers to make things even easier.

Then when you see success it will give you the confidence and you can use that track record to get business for a SMMA and it will make everything much easier.

I honestly think you can learn almost anything if you take it slow enough. In surfing start out trying to stand up in the white water, then move into catching small green waves then going down the line and then into bigger waves and carving.

Trying to start surfing on a short board in difficult waves is very dumb and not fun.

I hope this video or podcast was helpful as always