CDC's Redfield Makes Ominous Warning About Simultaneous Flu Season, Pandemic

  • 4 years ago
From October 2019 to April 2020, the CDC estimates that there were between 39 million and 56 million flu illnesses.
Between 410,000 and 740,000 people were hospitalized, and between 24,000 and 62,000 people died due to flu-related causes.
The US healthcare system is nearing its breaking point from the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
But CDC Director Robert Redfield says if a second wave of the outbreak occurs simultaneously during the next flu season, things could get even worse.
If so, Redfield warns things could get even worse.

Gizmodo reports Redfield says officials at both the state and federal levels should be preparing for the coming months.
He added they should continue encouraging social distancing protocols, and to be especially vigilant about getting flu shots.