Concerned citizen confronts man lighting fire near houses during Vancouver's wildfire season

  • 4 years ago
This was the moment a resident of Surrey, Vancouver spotted a man irresponsibly lighting a fire during wildfire season.

Footage shows how Joseph Edmundson spotted and confronted the individual through the forested area, where he is heard saying: "It's wildfire season, bro!"

The video shows the man building the fire and claiming that it is safe because it is surrounded by rocks, despite the large flames and sparks.

Edmundson told Newsflare: "I was walking to the bus stop on my way to an important doctor appointment.

"This was right when the smoke was starting to get at its worst.

"I noticed to my right off 64th ave, a guy deep down in the forest behind a line of houses setting a fire; I confronted him.

"Mostly because I had to personally tame a massive fire one block away from this."

Edmunson later informed the authorities of what happened.
