India asks China to pull back from all friction points, Bollywood drug net widens

  • 4 years ago
In the latest round of Corps Commander talks on the tense situation in Ladakh, India reportedly asked China to move back from all the friction points. The sixth round of Corps commander-level talks began at around 9 am in Moldo on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) across India's Chushul sector in eastern Ladakh. The talks continued until late in the night. he Sushant Singh Rajput death has taken a fresh turn as Deepika Padukone's name has cropped up in the investigation connected to drugs. Sources from the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) have confirmed to India Today that the name of the Chhapaak actress was found in a WhatsApp chat during the investigation. The agency has also acquired WhatsApp chats of the actress with an employee of Kwan talent management agency, Karishma. Karishma works with Jaya Saha, with whom Rhea Chakraborty chatted about CBD oil, as a manager in the talent management agency. On Monday (September 21), Jaya Saha was questioned by the NCB for four hours. The sources revealed that Karishma has also been summoned for questioning. According to NCB, the agency has acquired chats between Jaya Saha and Karishma in which they are seen discussing drugs.
