Meet The New Boss? McConnell Refers To 'The New Administration'

  • 3 years ago
For the first time, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has appeared to accept President-elect Joe Biden's win over President Donald Trump.
According to Business Insider, McConnell had previously held off on acknowledging Biden's win, insisting that Trump had a right to fight the outcome in court.
According to Business Insider, The Kentucky Republican has worked closely with the Trump White House to install legions of conservative judges to the federal bench.
However, McConnell on Tuesday spoke of a 'new administration' when discussing future COVID-19 economic stimulus negotiations.
I think we all know that after the first of the year, there's likely to be a discussion about some additional package of some size next year, depending upon what the new administration wants to pursue. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
