Vaccine production is truly international collaboration in India: EAM

  • 3 years ago
Union External Affairs Minister, Dr S Jaishankar attended a virtual conversation, called ‘Global Dialogue Series’ on May 05.

He said, “Our vaccine production situation was different from many other countries. On what basis Covishield was being made in India? It's Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, you can say it's British-designed product. It was made in India as the vaccine owner saw India as an efficient production venue. Along with that the ability and approval to make in India, came an obligation to supply it to a large part of the world. So, people have to understand, it was not that vaccine production started in India, it was invented by an Indian, owned by an Indian, produced by an Indian.”

He further said, “It was a truly international collaboration. When there is an international collaboration, if somebody gave you a vaccine to make in India, then you have to do your part, otherwise, it doesn't work. It also came with support from the Covax initiative. So, there was an obligation to support the Covax initiative to give vaccines at a low cost to a number of nations.”
