4 Advantages to Being a Lefthander

  • 2 years ago
4 , Advantages to Being , a Lefthander.
With approximately 90% of the world’s
population being right-handed, being
a leftie is considered very rare.
In honor of International Lefthanders Day
on August 13, here are four advantages
left-handed people have.
1. According to a 2014 study, left-handed
people were found to be better drivers
than those who are right-handed.
This is believed to be because cars are designed
for right-handed drivers, meaning left-handed
drivers must pay more attention to detail.
2. While this isn’t a proven fact, left-handed people
may have a better chance of becoming president.
Out of the past 15 presidents, seven have
been non-righties, meaning their may
be some advantage to being a leftie.
3. In time-sensitive sports, it is harder
for right-handed people to adjust when
competing against left-handed people.
This means that lefthanders have an
advantage when it comes to certain sports.
4. Researchers believe that left-handed people
are wired in a way that makes them able to recover
from a stroke better than right-handed people.
In left-handers, the part of the brain in charge
of staying alert can be spread out on both sides,
while in right-handers, it’s only on the right side.
