Allied Corp. Successfully Ships Large International Cannabis Shipment

  • 2 years ago
Allied Corp. announce that is has shipped 3425kgs of medicinal cannabis from Colombia to an international market as an historic milestone. This record-breaking shipment represents the world’s largest known cannabis export to date.

In June 2022, Allied was the first company to export dried cannabis from Colombia. Allied’s shipments of 272kgs, 200kgs, and 3425kgs have shown an established supply chain at commercial scale. Allied’s clients and supply channel partners span five (5) world continents that include Australia, Europe, Asia, South America, and North America. Allied's relationships with international partners are based on sustainable, long-term agreements that were designed with the Allied Inside™ supply chain in mind. Allied’s multiple strains in the production pipeline include over 15,000 THC plants created for multiple batches to fulfill our 2022 quota.
