Astronomers Detect Record-Breaking Gamma-Ray Burst

  • 2 years ago
Astronomers Detect Record-Breaking , Gamma-Ray Burst.
Yahoo news reports that a gamma ray burst is considered to be "the most powerful electromagnetic phenomena in the universe.".
On Oct. 9, Gamma-Ray Burst GRB221009A was detected in a galaxy 2.4 billion light-years away.
It was brought on by the collapse of a star with much more mass than our sun. .
A powerful supernova occurred,
which caused a black hole to form. .
A powerful supernova occurred,
which caused a black hole to form. .
Scientists think it may be the biggest gamma-ray burst (GRB) ever witnessed. .
Yahoo News reports that two
independent teams in Chile
are using the Gemini South
telescope to observe the
remains of the explosion.
The exceptionally long GRB 221009A is the brightest GRB ever recorded and its afterglow is smashing all records at all wavelengths, Brendan O’Connor, a doctoral student at the University of Maryland and George Washington University in Washington, DC, via statement.
Because this burst is so bright and also nearby, we think this is a once-in-a-century opportunity to address some of the most fundamental questions regarding these explosions,
from the formation of black holes to
tests of dark matter models, Brendan O’Connor, a doctoral student at the University of Maryland and George Washington University in Washington, DC, via statement.
In our research group, we've been referring to this burst as the 'BOAT', or Brightest Of All Time, because when you look at the thousands of bursts gamma-ray telescopes have been detecting since the 1990s,
this one stands apart, Jillian Rastinejad, a graduate student at Northwestern University, via statement
