Receiving Visions (Spoken Poem with Music)

  • last year

Receiving Visions

You woke up one day and threw off your comforts
Everything here has gone quite stale and it’s time to bail
It hit you like the invention of braille
An experience like the holy grail
You sold everything you own and buy a veil
As well as a seat on a boat setting sail
Thinking that maybe you’ll see a whale
You have to let the whole world know the tale
If you start receiving visions
It’s going to muck up all your decisions

Your ticket is scanned and you find your place
The workers below are busy shoveling the coal
The indentured servants are looking out the keyhole
The captain is walking around on patrol
He’s ready to hang any traitors on a pole
When you speak up he asks what’s your role
You start asking him about his soul
He’s trying to throw you in prison without parole
If you start receiving visions
It’s going to muck up all your decisions

When you land you have to traverse the jungle
Who knows where you’re going or where you’ll be
All you can see is tree after tree
The colorful poisonous frogs are telling you to be carefree
But you’re too busy looking for the banshee
You wonder which direction will take you back to sea
You start to wish you’d taken the chance to flee
You start looking for outside paths for any kind of fee
If you start receiving visions
It’s going to muck up all your decisions

You stumble upon the tribe of the uncontacted
They’ve got customs that you’re trying to fix
You want to shake them and say they’re out in the sticks
But you realize their ideas and yours don’t mix
The people that have lived there are up to your tricks
They aren’t interested in your different types of bricks
You hold up to them your personal crucifix
But you’re disappointed when they fail to transfix
If you start receiving visions
It’s going to muck up all your decisions

Out into the woods for a new audience
The guerillas are starting to take action
The monkeys are breaking into a new faction
The vultures are starting to gain traction
The crocodiles are now the main attraction
The centipedes are searching for satisfaction
The scorpions are tallying up every infraction
The snakes have made you their new subtraction
If you start receiving visions
It’s going to muck up all your decisions