Official Gameplay Footage of Dead Rising 2: Awesome ...

  • 14 years ago
►► ◄◄ Dead Rising 2 Gameplay Footage (3 of 3) The gameplay remains similar to Dead Rising with the player controlling protagonist Chuck Greene as he fights off hordes of zombies while accomplishing specific missions. The game will include several new objects that can be used to attack the zombies. The number of zombies which can be seen onscreen at any one time has also been dramatically increased from 800 in the original[6] to roughly 6,000. According to Inafune, the new protagonist will be more "interesting" than the previous hero, Frank West. There will also be a greater variety of missions for the player to undertake, and the sequel will retain the original's time management mechanic. However, the original game's photography mechanic will not be present in Dead Rising 2.