Online Lottery club / Start date: Feb. 1st 2010 join now.

  • 14 years ago
JOIN NOW, DON'T MISS OUT THIS TIME, START DATE FEB. 1,2010, FOR A 3 MONTH MEMBERSHIP. ALL STATES ELIGIBLE TO JOIN. ON OUR FIRST CYCLE OUR CLUB HAS HIT 4 OF 6 NUMBER 4 TIMES. THE NEXT CLUB ACTIVATES FIRST WEEK IN FEB. 2010 DON'T MISS OUT THIS TIME. All state eligible to join, $75.00 buys over 20,000 tickets per 3 month membership. New club forming now and will begin Feb. 1st, 2010. Don't miss your chance this time, once Powerball club 2 reach's 400 paid shares sold we will activate the club and purchase over 800 tickets for every Powerball drawing for 3 months. We are the only club online that videos every buy and verification for your viewing. JOIN US IN THE FUN AT: (questions call: 952-303-5044 thank you.) This is our 23rd or 24 buys when the buys are up, a new club starts, 2 weeks to go, join before the deadline. With a $40,000,000.00 jackpot hit each share would be worth roughly $100,000.00 before tax's. join us.
