I Hate Luv Storys - Bollywood Movie Review - Imran Khan & Sonam Kapoor

  • 13 years ago
Catch the Bollywood Movie Review of I Hate Luv Storys starring Imran Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Sameer Dattani, Sameer Soni, Bruna Abdulla, Ketaki Dave, Anju Mahendroo, Aamir Ali Malik, Pooja Ghai, Khusboo Shroff, Shireesh Sharma & Aseem Tiwari. Directed by Punit Malhotra, Produced by Karan Johar. Visit us at http://www.rajshri.com/Listing/Trailers-and-Trivia/Free-Hindi-Trailers-Trivia-New-Bollywood-Promos-Clips-First-Look for the latest bollywood film reviews, makings & trailers.