The Universal Attraction - A european music video - Simon Carrière

  • il y a 13 ans / / / /!/Simon_Carriere
Words and music by Simon Carrière - Directed by Laurianne Martini - Video editing and Graphics by Gregory Dassié

Ludo ZeFish for audio mastering & David Owen for color editing assistance

Many thanks to our 2010 European Tour partners :
Cool Flyers, Ville d’Issy-les Moulineaux, Office Franco-Allemand pour la jeunesse, Projaide, Ville de Paris, Dailymotion

Translation of the French “L’Attraction Universelle” song into other European languages was assisted by Genivan (Portuguese), Regan & Manuel (Spanish), Marika (Italian), Perpetuum Jazzile (Slovenian), Greta (German) & Henk (Dutch)

And a big thanks to our couchsurfing friends !
Aurore (Rennes), Frantz (Nantes), Romain (Vannes), Romain & Soazig, Hélène & friends (Bordeaux), Thi Lai (Bayonne) Patxi & Irati (Bilbao), Daniel (Oviedo), Juan (Santiago da Compostella), Cesar (Lisbon), Piratinha (Olhao), Marty & Rosa (Cadiz), Fran (Almeria), Julian & Carmen (Murcia), Linda & Ivan (Hospitalet del Infant), Alexandra et Xavi (Barcelona), Léger family (Cahors), Lénio et Robert (Millau), Magali Lozano (Draguignan), Marco (Torino) Fred (Perugia), Baggins & Annika (Pistoia) Luc & Nathaëlle (San Vito), Sabrina & Daniele (Bisignano), Steffie and her roomates (Split), Vlado (Zagreb), Vanja (Ljubljana), Ana (Vienna), Raymund (Linz), Franziska (Salzburg) Jens (Munich) Manu (Berlin), Hannah, Johanna & Samuel (Hamburg), Pascal (Bolzke), Guido (Amsterdam), Eric (Hoorn), Nico (Amersfoort), Amel & Aurélien (Bruxelles), Martine & Jémy (Lille), Alain (London)

Thanks to the many inspiring musicians we met : Perpetuum Jazzile, Fabio from Torino, Marty Stringer, Musicians from Pistoia, Luc Quinzelaire, Via Jante, Jémy, Patrice Hoareau, Gyraf, Johan Gouteron, Renàta & László, Genivan.

To the memory of my grandfather Gabriel Rocca
and his magical ZX car