"XQZ mon Anglais" Xcuse my French Londoner Answer !!

  • 13 years ago
I must put my hands up and admit that the first time I saw that 'Excuse my French' video ( http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdskom_excuse-my-french-by-frog-invaders_music ) I thought that the blokes that did it were probably English. I mean let's be honest, the French are hardly known for their sense of humour are they? Ok, so they gave us the 2CV and Johnny Halliday, but my instinct tells me that neither of those were actually meant to be funny. So i have to hand it to those Froggy Invader fellas for not taking themselves too seriously. We couldn't let them have it all their own way could we? They already have the....errr....anyway, in the true tradition of Anglo-French relations we felt it was only right that we gave it a go ourselves. Singing the song, badly, in French we decided to throw in a few stereotypes of our own, so after gathering a few friends using Facebook, we set about doing a very British version of the track down in Peckham
