Halo 3 Montage :: ManWithoutModem :: (100% MLG)

  • il y a 13 ans
FBWalshyFTW: This is ManWithoutModem's final Halo 3 montage, edited by Muggsy, entitled, "The Montage". The gameplay is fantastic, showcasing a lot of variety, despite being limited by it all being MLG, featuring 2 for 1's, sick under pressure snipes, exterminations, no scopes, known names, and even some nice bloopers at the end in the credits section. It's even more impressive once you consider that the montage is a whopping 15 minutes long. The editing's great too, displaying a lot of great syncing, theater work, typography, and effect usage. I thought that the flow was pretty well established overall, and the majority of the editing hit its mark despite there being so much going on almost all of the time, a trend which usually results in overediting. Enjoy!