Buyers take the bait at tuna auction

  • 12 years ago
It's the first auction of the new year at the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo...and a new record sale.
This bluefin tuna went for more than 700, 000 dollars.
It's the highest paid for a single fish since record-keeping started in 1999.
The buyer hooked by the giant tuna was the boss of a popular Japanese sushi chain.
SOUNDBITE: Kiyoshi Kimura, President of Kimura Co, saying (Japanese):
"I tried hard this year on behalf of the Japanese people and for the people affected by the disaster last year."
The monster could produce more than 10, 000 generous servings at around 65 dollars a time.
But this auction is not just about size and cost.
Bagging the first fish of the year at the Tsukiji market is reckoned to be an auspicious omen for business in the year ahead.
Paul Chapman, Reuters
