"The Art of Peak Performance" - Shen Yun in San Francisco

  • 12 years ago
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And we bring you continuing coverage of Shen Yun Performing Arts' global tour. The classical Chinese dance and music show's performances are partially sponsored by NTD Television at some venues. We travel to the US city of San Fransisco where a seven show run recently wrapped up. Here's that report.

Shen Yun Performing Arts concluded its seventh performance over the weekend in San Francisco, California.

It was an eye-opening experience for audience members at San Francisco's War Memorial Opera House.

[Arthur Giacalone, Psychologist]:
"Personally, I'm very impressed with the physical nature of what the performers can do. The fact that they are so flexible and maintained a sense of beauty and fluidity while they're being flexible and using their bodies—to me that's the art of peak performance."

[Robin Frost, Real Estate Broker]:
"They're so synchronized in what they do. And I admire the training. It's not like an overnight thing—you can tell... It's the mental. That's the discipline. It's amazing."

Shen Yun is New York-based. Its mission is to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture.

[Beena Raj, Lawyer]:
"It is amazing to come here and see in a short time, an hour-and-a-half to two, a 5,000 year culture. It's not just the artistic part of it but it's also the cultural part of it. It's the traditional heritage part of it. It all seems to come out in one thing."

One audience member who had wanted to see the performance for years finally got her opportunity.

NTD News, San Francisco.
