Zephyr Awesome Multitasking for iPhone and iPod touch (Jailbreak Tweak Update)

  • 12 năm trước
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Few days ago, I posted about Zephyr, which is a tweak developed by well-known iPhone developer chpwn that allows to bring awesome multitasking gestures to your iPhone. We are here today to inform you that it has been updated to version 1.0.1 to fix a few bugs and add some enhancements.
The updated version brings fixes to disable gestures within some apps where users may not want them to be active such as Cut the Rope or Words with Friends. Users who are unfamiliar with Zephyr can read our previous post to know about its functionality.

Changelog: - Option to require more than one finger to use a gesture. - Option to disable when keyboard is showing. - Option to disable in Cut the Rope, Words with Friends. - (Remember, it's disabled in landscape so most games (Fruit Ninja, Flight Control, etc) already work great!) - Fix visual issues with app switcher swipe gesture. - Fix various bugs with Notification Center.