MMA Workout - Core Strength with Medicine Ball

  • 12 years ago

Effective core training requires that you train the core both dynamically and statiically, as well as in all 3 planes of motion.

I call this workout he Medicine Ball Core Shredder as it utilizes both dynamic and static exercises, as well as exercises that work all 3 planes of motion.

Use this workout to fully train your abdominals for developing a rock-solid core that not only looks good, but works better to help you deliver more powerful strikes.

Perform 2-4 circuits, resting 1-2 minutes between.

1) Walkouts x 3
2) Side toss x 5 per
3) Situp chest toss x 10
4) Overhead side toss x 5 per
5) Chop toss x 5 per
6) Russian twists x 10
7) Front slam x 5
8) V-ups x 10

Focus on good form first, speed and velocity of throwing the ball second.

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