This Car Went 1626 Miles on a Single Tank

  • 12 years ago
This Car Went 1626 Miles on a Single Tank - as part of the news and politics series by GeoBeats.

How far can you car go on one tank of gas? 200 miles? 300 miles?

That'd pale in comparison to 1,626 miles that a Volkswagen Passat recently traveled on a single tank of diesel fuel.

According to Volkswagen, John and Helen Taylor, a mileage experts couple, drove through nine states over three days in a Volkswagen Passat TDi vehicle. To simulate real-travel conditions, they carried luggage and traveled during the daytime.

They averaged about 84 miles per gallon.

According to TrueCar, average fuel economy in April, 2012 for new US vehicles was 23.3 miles per gallon which means theri journey yielded 3.5 times better average.

The previous record for the most number of miles traveled on one tank was set by a Volkswagen Passat 1.6 BlueMotion diesel at 1526.6 miles.

With high gas prices, more Americans are buying energy efficient cars. For instance, sales of hybrid and electric cars spiked about 50% in March, 2012 compared to that in March, 2011. However, eco-friendly cars still makeup only a small % of overall US auto sales.
