Suicide bombing hit Yemen.

  • 12 years ago
A suicide bomber targets a protest march in northern Yemen Friday, hours before another killed 12 in a suicide attack on a school.

The bomber attacked a march led by Houthis rebels in the rugged northern province of Saada, where the rebels have effectively carved out their own state within a state.

Hours later another suicide bomb attack killed 12 people at a school, also in northern Yemen.

There are no claims of responsibility for either of Friday's attacks.

Earlier in the week, more bloodshed.

On Wednesday one person died in clashes between riot police and protesters loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Yemeni government retook parts of the strategically important city of Zinjibar. The advance of Yemeni troops into Zinjibar represents a new front in a U.S.-backed offensive to reclaim land seized by insurgents in the south.

The loss of Zinjibar would be a blow to the insurgents and bolster the morale of the army after the death toll from Monday's attack on troops rehearsing for a military parade to mark Yemen's national day rose to 100.

Western and Gulf Arab states have watched with mounting alarm as al Qaeda-linked militants have exploited political instability in Yemen to gain a foothold there.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters