VLOG: Finally get iPwnstar4hire to dust off his Wii & I rage about the outcome.
  • 12 years ago
Anyone who plays battlefield 3 knows who iPwnstar4hire is. A director for Machinima Respawn. Ducky SWAG! He is a really amazing player and truly cool guy. So I finally get him to dust off his Wii and play MW3 cuz he had played it to play with a fellow team member of mine iCONBOY. We played for 3hrs, running into matches that were either hacked or riddled with akimbo FMG fanz. Spraying them like no tomorrow. He doesnt even like MW3 on any other console so it just made things worse. I felt horrible afterward. But he was hilarious, so it made things chill.

Check him out, especially if you love BF3 or straight up funny commentaries

PS! This actually part one, I have a part two I just got caught up with doing more gameplays plus real life stuff happened.
I will post one of the gameplays captured with him, we were in a skype call with my friend who actually did that video and I'll list both their channels.